
"Trans-European Network for Coordination, Education & Training for Natural Disasters & Technological Risk Mitigation”

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On October 17th-18th at the International Hellenic University in Kavala, GREECE, the Workshop "Trans-European Network for Coordination, Education & Training for Natural Disasters & Technological Risk Mitigation”, was held. The above workshop was organized by the UNESCO Chair CONE-ECT, the laboratory of informatics AETMA, and the MSc Programme "Analysis and Management of Natural and Manmade Disasters.” The workshop was attended by the European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides, the DG ECHO Director, Felix Bloch, the General Secretary of Greek Civil Protecton authority, Nikos Chardalias, as well representatives from Universities and Civil Protection authorities from Southern Europe, Israel, and Australia. The issues discussed by the delegates, were the cooperation of the South-Eastern European countries and those in the broader Neighborhood area,  on the prevention of hazards and the awareness and preparedness of the inhabitants of the participating countries. This cooperation is to be implemented through the creation of a Network consisting of both Academic Institutions and Civil Protection authorities of the countries of the region and dedicated civil society organizations and market practitioners. 

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The city of Kavala was proposed to be the first hub of this Network. The Network that will strive to disseminate good practices and research produced by Universities in the field of natural disasters, technological hazards and their associated effects on humans and the environment, often in direct relation to climate change, as well as in the field of internal and external security, migration and extremism challenges faced today by Europe, the wider Mediterranean area. Network members will benefit from the operational experience and expertise from national civil protection authorities and dedicated civil society organizations and market practitioners. The Network will be supported by funding from EU funds and other international organizations, such as the United Nations.

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