Australian Researchers guest lecture at the Man & Water MS
Dr Garry Stevens, a Senior Lecturer and Course Advisor in the Humanitarian and Development Studies (HADS) Program at Western Sydney University presented the topic “Managing human factors for bestpractice flood evacuation” to the students of the Man and Water Msc program. In addition, Spyros Schismenos a PhD student at Western Sydney University present part of his dissertation work “Hydropower for Disaster Resilience Applications (HYDRA).” The presentations took place at the School of Geotechnical Sciences November 19th, 2019. After the presentation there was a fruitful discussion among Garry, Spryos and MSc students on Natural Disasters. Finally, Dimitris Emmanouloudis showed the offices and laboratories of the UNESCO Chair Con-E-Ect and discussed potential collaborations between the Chair and Western Sydney University.